1. |
MACAULAY, John Heyrick | Elegia. In: Arundines Cami sive Musarum Cantabrigensium lusus canori collegit atque edidit Hericus Drury, Cambridge: J. and J. J. Deighton / London: J. G. Parker, 1841, S. 144-155. – eng / lat / Incipit: "Depositi sonat exequias campana diei" |
2. |
MACEDO, Francisco de Santo Agostinho | A Lusiada de Luiz de Camões traduzida em versos latinos por Frei Francisco de Santo Agostinho Macedo, primeira edição, revista por Antonio José Viale, publicada por Venancio Deslandes, Lisboa: Imprensa Nacional, 1880. – XVII + 477 S. / lat |
3. |
MACFARLAN, Robert | The Poems of Ossian in the Original Gaelic. With a literal translation into Latin by the late Robert Macfarlan, together with a dissertation on the authenticity of the poems by Sir John Sinclair, and a translation from the Italian of Cesarotti's dissertation on the controversy respecting the authenticity of Ossian, with notes and a supplemental essay, by John MacArthur, published under the sanction of the Highland Society of London, 3 Bde., London: Bulmer, 1807. – gla, lat |
4. |
MACLEAN, Charles Donald | Latin and Greek Verse Translations. By Charles Donald Maclean, London: C. Kegan Paul & Co., 1880. – VIII + 49 S. / eng, ger, grc, lat |
5. |
MAFFACINI, Enrico | Pinoculus. Liber, qui inscribitur "Le avventure di Pinocchio", auctore C. Collodi in Latinum sermonem conversus ab Henrico Maffacini, Firenze: Marzocco, 1950. – 185 S. / lat |
6. |
. . . . . | Pinoculus. Liber, qui inscribitur "Le avventure di Pinocchio", auctore C. Collodi in Latinum sermonem conversus ab Henrico Maffacini, presentazione di Benedetto Riposati, Firenze: Giunti Marzocco, 1984. – 185 S. / lat |
7. |
MAGNUS ÓLAFSSON / STEFÁN ÓLAFSSON / ÞORMÓÐUR TORFASON | Edda Islandorum an. Chr. M.CC.XV Islandice conscripta per Snorronem Sturlae Islandice nomophylacem nunc primum Islandice Danice et Latine ex antiquis codicibus MSS Bibliothecae Regis et aliorum in lucem prodit opera et studio Petri Johannis Resenii [...], Københaven: Typis Henrici Gödiani reg et acad typogr, 1665. – 376 S. / dan, ice, lat |
8. |
MANNINGHAM, Thomas | Poematia: Partim Latine scripta, partim reddita. London: Veneunt apud R. and J. Dodsley, 1763. – 12 S. / eng, lat |
9. |
MARIA GALLICA CRUENTA [Marie-France Saignes] / Sanctaedes Dusselpaganica Lustralunda [Élisabeth Autébi] | Pullus Nicolellus. In Latinum verterunt Maria Gallica Cruenta, Sanctaedes Dusselpaganica Lustralunda, Paris: IMAV éditions, 2012. – 103 S. / lat |
10. |
MARSHALL, Thomas Ansell | Lusus academici. A selection of translations, chiefly from English poets, into Greek and Latin verse, by T. A. Marshall, Cambridge: J. Hall and Son / London: Simpkin, Marshall and Co., Wittaker and Co., and Bell and Daldy, 1868. – VII + 103 S. / ara, eng, grc, lat, san |